Explore Nalaverse’s live, and on-demand, class options built to accommodate your organization’s corporate wellness needs.

Breathwork, a conscious control of breathing, encompasses various techniques such as Box Breathing, 4-7-8 Breathing, and Coherent Breathing. This modality connects the subconscious mind, increasing mindful presence, self-awareness and healing. 

Why choose breathwork?

In an era characterized by fast-paced lifestyles and high stress, breathwork is a powerful tool for managing our mind and emotions. It offers an easily accessible way to calm the mind, and regulate the nervous system when its most important.

At Nalaverse, we have crafted our own unqiue approach to the practice of breathwork by seamlessly blending well-known practices with lesser-known yet effective somatic techniques, like the butterfly hug. Emphasizing DEIB principles, we ensure our approach to this modality is accessible and inclusive, serving a diverse array of needs while fostering a sense of belonging among participants.


We invite you to join our "Breathwork for Stress Relief" class—our proprietary approach to breathwork, utilizing various breathing techniques and patterns, that we have skillfully crafted to improve your physical, mental, and emotional well-being.

Key benefits you can expect from this class include:

Want to explore more at your own pace?

To continue your meditation practice, check out our on-demand videos to understand our unique meditation approach.


Box-breathing, also known as “square breathing,” is a powerful and simple practice that you can use at any point in your day to manage stress and enhance your concentration. As you bring awareness to your breath, you may notice that the chatter in your mind slows down.